Feasibility Study Phase
Outline Existing Data
Review the Work Plan, especially the meetings, presentations, or reviews
that the customer agency staff should attend. The professional services firm
The Feasibility Study scope
should list completed
contractor also should attend these meetings.
studies and supporting data,
as well as analyses and
and the Feasibility Study team to finalize the strategy for publicity, press releases,
studies to be conducted.
and other communications activities. If the Feasibility Study team does not
Confusion on these issues
have a Communications Specialist, then designate someone who will issue
affects the cost, schedule,
and success of the project.
information and address inquiries and potential problems. Review schedules
for internal and external communications milestones.
Keep minutes or other reports for all meetings and phone calls.
Acknowledge and
Understand Outside
Coordinate all contact with local authorities through the appropriate GSA
Stakeholders' Interests
Regional staff.
Understanding stakeholders'
Communicate regularly with the Regional Administrator.
interests results in a higher
Identify either the team leader or the Project Manager as the control point to
quality project, delivered on
approve all communications.
time and under budget.
For renovation projects,
Determine whether meetings are required with other key stakeholders.
stakeholders often focus on
Consider meeting with the GSA Central Office or the congressional delegation
impact to historic resources,
to discuss project goals (use Exhibit 4.6: Sample Agenda).
need to relocate valued
Consider meetings with representatives of local government.
public service agencies, or
opportunities to enhance
Determine whether representatives of civic organizations, including fine arts
public spaces. Consider the
commissions, fire marshals, planning commissions, and local/urban design review
project's potential to
boards, should be consulted on development issues. Explore the potential
advance local plans (e.g.,
to leverage federal and local development efforts and to fine-tune the evaluation
streetscape improvements,
additional employment).
factors to support the project's requirements and the local community's needs.
Stakeholders sharing GSA's
Consult those involved in the NHPA Section 106 and NEPA processes.
goals may be able to
Contact the state environmental agency, State Historic Preservation Office
contribute additional
(SHPO), and other relevant agencies.
resources to resolve GSA,
customer agency, or local
community concerns. Early
and open conversation
with relevant stakeholders
is the best way to develop
shared goals and an
effective solution.