Feasibility Study Phase
Launching the
Feasibility Study
A complete Feasibility Study, including project requirements, the technical
To start the contractors in
evaluation, and the financial analysis
the right direction, the team
leader provides substantial
background information,
Conducting the Feasibility Study typically takes sixteen (16) weeks.
arranges introductions, opens
Factors impacting duration:
channels of communication,
and helps with activity
The complexity of the project
coordination during the first
The time needed to complete specialized studies
two weeks.
The availability of the GSA Feasibility Study team and the customer agency to
provide information and make interim decisions
Hold a Kickoff Meeting
The time need to review, digest, and develop the draft into a solid Capital Program
This is a crucial early step
funding proposal
that supports the coordi-
nation of team members,
contractors, and customer
3.1 Begin Discussions with Stakeholders
agency representatives.
The GSA Feasibility Study team and the contractor must meet with the customer
Review the Work Plan,
agency, Building Managers, Asset Business Teams, local community, and other
schedule, contact infor-
stakeholders to identify key issues, potential sites, individual interests, and project
mation, required documents,
requirements and to shape a Feasibility Study that effectively addresses their
and participants' roles.
requirements (see Exhibit 4.6: Sample Agenda). These discussions allow the customer
Complete the Feasibility
Study Checklist
agency to describe their needs, desires, and concerns.
("Appendix C") and identify
The team may also talk with outside stakeholders to understand their plans. The
which items are to be
addressed and whether
project may create opportunities or risks that must be addressed early. This information
they have a major or
enables the Feasibility Study team to strategize and budget accordingly.
minor impact.
GSA specialists with
Recommended Activities
expertise in historic
Meet with the customer agency within the first two weeks of the project.
preservation, green building,
Learn about the customer's business, vision, and mission and how these impact
progressive collapse,
the agency's future, especially how they drive their real estate requirements.
and other specialties
Describe the assistance that is needed from the agency to support the study.
should be included in the
Kickoff Meeting.
Identify which customer agency staff members are designated to coordinate
requests from the contractor or the Feasibility Study team for interviews;
access to work spaces and potential secure areas; tenant space standards for test
fits; and tenant move and cost estimates, among others.