Step 3: Conduct the Feasibility Study
The Feasibility Study defines the project and establishes project requirements, identifies
Step 3
key technical factors (e.g., zoning, engineering, or sustainability requirements), and
Conduct the Feasibility Study
defines financial factors for the project. It considers alternatives to meet customer
needs and facility requirements in light of regional and national business strategies,
technical merit, capital costs, financial impact to the Federal Buildings Fund (FBF),
Begin discussions
and local context.
with stakeholders
The Feasibility Study contractor is responsible for completing the study with the team's
input and guidance. GSA's role is to guide the study, coordinate reviews, keep
stakeholders informed and involved, and ensure that the Feasibility Study is responsive
Establish project goals
and requirements
to the needs of the customer and the requirements of the federal government.
Immediately following the notice to proceed, the team leader must provide all
background materials to the contractor. This includes copies of studies, drawings,
Define alternatives
and reports, as well as contact information for customer agency representatives,
GSA Building Managers, and GSA experts.
Recommended Activities
Evaluate viable
3.1 Begin discussions with stakeholders
Use input from stakeholders to understand the customer agency's requirements
and concerns, as well as local opportunities and issues.
3.2 Establish project goals and requirements
Identify and develop the
preferred alternative
Determine the customer agency's requirements for location, site, housing plan,
and schedule and define asset needs (especially for R&A projects).
3.3 Define alternatives
Prepare the
Generate a broad range of creative alternatives to support the development
Implementation Plan
of an appropriate solution.
3.4 Evaluate viable alternatives
Evaluate the viable alternatives, test their approaches, and understand their impacts.
Produce the budget
3.5 Identify and develop the preferred alternative
Describe and support the preferred alternative.
3.6 Prepare the Implementation Plan
Feasibility Study
Detail the activities to accomplish the project.
3.7 Produce the budget
Finalize the construction cost estimate and total project costs.