Photoluminescent Materials
The width of the photoluminescent stripe shall be between
25 mm (1 inch) and 51 mm (2 inches).
Exit Stair Identification Signs. The following
The width of the photoluminescent stripe, measured
requirements take precedence over the requirements
horizontally from the leading edge of the nosing shall be
in NFPA 101:
consistent at all nosings.
Stair identification signs shall have a photoluminescent
The photoluminescent materials used shall comply with
background complying with Standard Specification for
ASTM E2072-04 as a minimum standard.
Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Safety Markings
For projects in historic structures, the Design Team fire
ASTM E2072-04 as a minimum standard.
protection engineer shall consult with the GSA Regional
The signs shall be a minimum size of 457 mm (18 inches)
Historic Preservation Officer and the GSA regional fire
by 305 (12 inches).
protection engineer regarding these requirements.
The letters designating the identification of the stair
enclosure shall be a minimum of 38 mm (1 1/2 inches) in
Exit Stair Handrails. The following requirements take
precedence over the requirements in the NFPA 101:
The number designating the floor level shall be a minimum
Stair handrails shall incorporate a photoluminescent
of 127 mm (5 inches) in height and located in the center
marking that is either an applied coating, or a material
of the sign.
integral with, the entire length of each handrail.
All other lettering and numbers shall be a minimum of
The photoluminescent handrail marking, at a minimum,
25 mm (1 inch) in height.
shall be located at the top surface of each handrail,
having a minimum width of 13 mm (1/2 inch).
The directional arrow shall be a minimum of 76 mm
(3 inches) in length.
The photoluminescent handrail marking shall stop at the
end of each handrail. If the handrail turns a corner, the
For projects in historic structures, the Design Team fire
marking shall continue around the corner.
protection engineer shall consult with the GSA Regional
The photoluminescent materials used shall comply with
Historic Preservation Officer and the GSA regional fire
ASTM E2072-04 as a minimum standard.
protection engineer regarding these requirements.
For projects in historic structures, the Design Team fire
Exit Stair Treads. The following requirements take
protection engineer shall consult with the GSA Regional
precedence over the requirements in the NFPA 101:
Historic Preservation Officer and the GSA regional fire
Stair treads shall incorporate a photoluminescent stripe
protection engineer regarding these requirements.
that is either an applied coating, or a material integral
with, the full width of the horizontal leading edge of each
stair tread, including the horizontal leading edge of each
landing nosing.
218 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
7.8 Means of Egress
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100