Two vertical risers (i.e., supply and return interconnected
Messages shall be digitized voice and utilize a professional
network circuits Style 7 - Class A) shall be installed as
quality male voice and shall be as follows:
remote as practicable from each other so that a single fire
"Fire Zone" Message: "May I have your attention, please.
will not involve both risers.
May I have your attention, please. A fire has been
The two vertical risers shall be protected by a minimum
reported which may affect your floor. Please walk to the
2-hour rated enclosure or an approved 2-hour rated cable
nearest exit and leave the building. Please do not use the
or system, not common to both vertical risers.
elevators," or
The horizontal interconnection between the two vertical
"Fire Zone" Message: "May I have your attention, please.
risers at the top and bottom shall be protected by a
May I have your attention, please. A fire has been
minimum 2-hour rated enclosure, or an approved 2-hour
reported which may affect your floor. Please walk to the
cable or system, or an approved construction material
nearest exit, walk down ___ floors, re-enter the building,
walk onto the floor, and await further instructions. Please
A minimum of two (2) distinct fire alarm audible
notification appliance circuits and a minimum of two (2)
"Safe Area Zone" Message: "May I have your attention,
distinct visible notification appliance circuits shall be
please. May I have your attention, please. A fire has been
provided on each floor.
reported in another area of the building. You are in a safe
area. Please stay in your work area and await further
Adjacent fire alarm audible and visible notification
instructions. Please do not use the elevators."
appliances shall be on separate circuits.
Annunciator. All fire alarm systems shall have at least
Fire Command Center
one annunciator located within 7620 mm (25 feet) from
the primary fire department entrance to the building. For
General. The fire command center shall meet the
projects in historic structures, the Design Team fire
requirements in the IFC.
protection engineer shall consult with the GSA Regional
Historic Preservation Officer and GSA regional fire
Special Requirements. The following requirements take
protection engineer regarding this requirement.
precedence over the requirements in the IFC:
A fire command center shall be constructed in all new
construction projects and meet the construction
requirements in the IFC.
General. The fire alarm system shall meet the survivability
Each fire command center shall be provided in a location
requirements in NFPA 72.
approved by the GSA regional fire protection engineer
after consultation with the local fire department.
Special Requirements. The following requirements take
precedence over the requirements in NFPA 72:
Each fire command center shall be provided with
appropriate lighting, ventilation, and emergency lighting.
222 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
7.9 Fire Alarm Systems
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100