Design Development: Validate that concept approved
fire protection and life safety systems are based on the
activities include, but are not limited to the following
requirements within PBS-P100, referenced codes and
standards, and the latest edition of GSA guide specifications
Preliminary planning: Assure proposed space is
for the systems involved. Check fire protection & life
accommodated by each involved system as it applies to
safety engineering calculations to determine accuracy
that space, in accordance with the requirements within
and proper application of design to the facility. Evaluate
PBS-P100 and all referenced codes & standards. Review
associated project budgets to assure that an adequate
correctness, coordination and agreement. Validate
amount of space is shown to not only address each
operational assumptions and level of details for each
system itself, but validate that architectural, structural,
system to assure clarity and detail for project bids and
and mechanical system costs associated with pathway,
construction direction. Coordinate work with the GSA
firestopping, concealment, and placement are included
review process so that the GSA regional fire protection
in the project's budget. Integrate appropriate GSA guide
engineer receives the project design package for review
specification requirements into systems planning in
after completion of the aforementioned work.
the review of the systems budgets to assure budget
Construction Documents: Review layouts for each fire
assumptions are in concert with the requirements for
protection and life safety system, validating that the
construction documents are in compliance with the
Preliminary Concept Design: Review concept drawings
requirements within PBS-P100 and referenced codes and
to assure adequate egress from the conceptual facility,
standards, that the construction documents conform to
adequate utility connection/service for fire protection
the design drawings, specifications, and supporting
systems, adequate site access for fire department and
contract documents, and that equipment submittals are
other emergency responders, and assuring compliance
correctly annotated and the application of each piece of
with the requirements within PBS-P100 and all referenced
equipment is appropriate for the facility and this project.
codes and standards based on the limited information in
Review system/equipment locations to assure clearance
this stage of design. Identify proposed hazard ratings and
when in proximity to ductwork and other building features.
occupancy classifications of various building space types
Validate appropriateness of control sequences, and their
and confirm their impact to involved systems.
representation on drawings and/or specifications. Verify
Final Concept Design: Confirm that proposed systems
that specifications include appropriate spare parts.
comply with the requirements within PBS-P100 and all
Construction Inspection: During construction, inspect
referenced codes and standards. Assure that systems
system installations to assure compliance with design
proposed for the facility will comply with the latest GSA
intent, approved specifications & drawings, and approved
guide specifications for each proposed system. Identify
submittals. Coordinate on site inspections with the GSA
the designer's intent to use acceptable materials/
regional fire protection engineer for the project so that
equipment and that proposed capabilities (if any) are
there is unified communication about each system and
appropriate for the space occupancy classification
required changes or improvements. When all system
and hazard ratings.
components are in-place, coordinate preliminary and
acceptance testing, checking functionality of all modes
214 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100