Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
LEED Credit EQ-6.2:
Individual lighting controls for occupants who
work in offices or workstations, or at desks.
Controllability of Systems
Acceptable lighting controls include standard
light switches for overhead fixtures (typical
Non-Perimeter Spaces
for private offices), hard-wired task lighting
(for workstations or desks), or remote
controlled overhead lighting (controlled via
computer terminal or remote control device).
Multiple lighting, temperature, and airflow
Provide a high level of thermal, ventilation and
controls for multi-occupant spaces (e.g.,
lighting system control by individual occupants
conference rooms, classrooms, courtrooms)
or specific groups in multi-occupants spaces (i.e.
in the non-perimeter areas of the building.
classrooms or conference areas) to promote the
The number of required controls is
productivity, comfort and well-being of building
determined based on the size of the space
(details are in the LEED 2.1 Reference
Guide); however at least three lighting
controls, one airflow control, and one
Provide controls for each individual for airflow,
temperature control are required for every
temperature and lighting for at least 50% of the
2,500 square feet of area. The LEED program
occupants in non-perimeter, regularly occupied
allows occupancy sensors, dimming controls,
and "manual on/automatic off" switches to
be counted as two lighting controls each.
(1 point)
Since the credit requirement stipulates controls for
50 percent of the building occupants located in
Cost Impact = 1*
non-perimeter areas, not all spaces in the building
need comply.
Basis for Cost Assumption
The Courthouse model includes an underfloor air
(no cost)
psble svgs
distribution system as a GSA standard; it is
therefore assumed to comply with the air and
* In GSA projects with underfloor air delivery systems.
temperature requirements of this credit at no
additional cost. The office areas within the
Practical Applications
Courthouse are also assumed to have task lighting
and/or individual light switches as a GSA standard;
In GSA projects designed with underfloor air
again, no cost premium is associated with this
distribution systems, each occupant typically has
feature. Similarly courtrooms, conference rooms
direct control of the diffuser supplying tempered
and other multi-occupant spaces are assumed to
air to his/her office or workspace. This level of
have at least two lighting controls, with one being
control meets the airflow and temperature
an occupancy sensor (based on the features
requirements of the credit. In buildings with
included for credit EA-1, Optimize Energy
overhead air distribution, the LEED 2.1 Reference
Performance). Overall, the credit is earned based
Guide notes that VAV systems can comply if they
on GSA standards.
are designed to provide one terminal box and
controller for every two occupants. This approach
include underfloor air distribution. The credit is
is considered unlikely in most GSA projects due to
therefore not pursued due to the cost expectations
the associated costs.
of providing individual airflow and temperature
In addition to the individual airflow and
controls through additional VAV terminal boxes
temperature control measures, this credit will
and controllers.
typically involve: