Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
The credit is not pursued.
Minimal Faade Renovation
Total Credit Cost ......................................1,175
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.38%
Full Faade Renovation
Total Credit Cost ......................................3,686
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.36%
Additional Considerations
When considering operable windows for large scale
commercial or institutional buildings, careful
consideration must be given to the interaction
between the window operation and the building
HVAC system operation. To avoid potential
problems such as errant energy loss (windows left
open under severe heating or cooling conditions),
or other issues, building occupants must be
educated on the responsibilities associated with
operable windows. More sophisticated approaches,
such as indicator lights to inform occupants when
exterior conditions are best suited for opening
windows, are possible but less likely for
implementation due to associated costs.
In addition, window locks and other security-
related concerns must be addressed as part of an
operable window installation.
Synergistic Credits
None identified (with construction cost impacts).