Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Supporting Calculations
regionally extracted. No cost premium applies in
this scenario.1
Table MR5-1 (see Credit MR-5.1) identifies the
Summary of First Cost Impacts
materials used to achieve this credit in the "low
cost" Courthouse scenarios. LEED calculations
demonstrate that the credit threshold is attained.
(Note: the Table confirms that at least 10% of the total
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
project material costs are from regionally-extracted products.
Low Cost
This is equivalent to the "50% of 20%" credit
No identified cost premiums.
Tables MR5-3 and MR5-4 (see Credit MR-5.1)
identify the materials used to achieve this credit in
High Cost
the "minimal faade renovation" and "full faade
renovation" Office Building scenarios, respectively.
The credit is not attainable.
LEED calculations demonstrate that the credit
threshold is attained. (Note: the Tables confirm that at
least 10% of the total project material costs are from
Minimal Faade Renovation
regionally-extracted products. This is equivalent to the
"50% of 20%" credit requirement.)
No identified cost premiums.
Full Faade Renovation
No identified cost premiums.
Additional Considerations
For competitive bidding purposes, designers must
avoid selecting regional materials that are available
from only one manufacturer. The credit scenarios
used in the study assume that multiple
manufacturers can bid on a job, but that the owner
reserves the right to select a local manufacturer if
their cost is competitive.
Synergistic Credits
Item SN-2 (Office Building) reviews the cost
implications of earning Credit MR-5.2 in
conjunction with Credit MR-4.2 (Recycled
Content, 10 percent). The synergistic case applies
only in the full faade renovation scenarios.
A premium is already accounted for in Credit MR-5.1
to obtain precast concrete panels from a regional