Strategies for Selecting
the Lead Designer and the Design Excellence A/E Team
If there is no charrette or Stage III vision competition, the A/E Evaluation Board will
p re p a re a ranking of the lead designer-A/E teams with supporting documentation and
recommendations. This ranking will be based on the written submittals for Stage II as
well as the interviews. The official record of this evaluation and the preferred lead
designer-A/E team will be contained in a report submitted to the GSA Selection Authority.
The GSA Selection Authority will review the A/E Evaluation Board report to assure the
integrity of the selection process and approve the board's ranking. The GSA Selection
Authority will decide whether to accept the A/E Evaluation Board recommendation and
select the recommended lead designer-A/E team. The GSA Selection Authority reserves
the right to reject the recommendation of the board or terminate the process without
incurring any liability to any member of the lead designer-A/E team. If this happen, the
GSA Selection Authority must document the reason(s) that the recommendation of the
A/E Evaluation Board is ove rturned.
The selected lead designer-A/E team will receive a written request for a cost proposal
from the GSA contracting officer. After the proposal is received, it will be evaluated and
negotiations will be scheduled. In the event that GSA is unable, for any reason, to enter
into an agreement with the selected lead designer-A/E team, GSA reserves the right to
terminate discussion with the lead designer-A/E team without incurring any liability.
GSA will then proceed to negotiate with the second ranked lead designer-A/E team.
6 . 7 Stage II--The Charrette Option
Beyond interviews, certain lead designer-A/E team selections include a 10 to 12-hour
charrette as additional input to the evaluation. The purpose of the charrette is to get
a sense of design strategies and each lead designer-A/E team's approach to design
p roblems. It is important to remind the A/E Evaluation Board that the charrette is not
being used to solicit a project design. In terms of schedule, the charrette is held on
sections 6.66.7