each A/E team's St a n d a rd Form 330 and other re q u i red Stage II submission materials
against the criteria listed on the evaluation form.
It is important to note that the interview process and schedule is highly structured.
(A sample schedule is included in the Re s o u rces and Sample Documents section of this
chapter.) To help the A/E Evaluation Board follow critical points and take notes, each lead
designer-A/E team must distribute an outline of its presentation. Some essential issues
in the interview process are:
Management Process--The lead designer-A/E team needs to describe a management
p rocess that is cohesive, collaborative, and reasonable. Its plan for management should
address lines and methods of communication, decision-making, interaction with consult
ants, clients and GSA, and the impact or benefit of the geographic location of various
Design Excellence--The A/E team must demonstrate that it would support and collabo
rate with the lead designer to realize Design Excellence goals. Previous designs should
respond to context, promote an appropriate image, demonstrate a high level of functional
proficiency, exemplify outstanding workplace and interior design, and integrate state-of
the-art technology. Questions should elicit a thoughtful response to these important
p roject criteria.
Presentation--Po rtions of the presentation will raise questions. A/E Evaluation Board
members should seek clarifications of each team's attitude and approach concerning
specific issues. It is worth noting that if a team failed to address an issue on its own, it may
not be a priority. From this perspective, solicited comments on issues might not carry as
much weight within the A/E Evaluation Board as issues originally addressed by the team.
section 6.6