Strategies for Selecting
the Lead Designer and the Design Excellence A/E Team
The results of the charrette are evaluated by an independent charrette jury. The jury is
selected by the Office of the Chief Architect and will be appointed from GSA's National
Register of Peer Professionals. The model for the jury that has proven successful includes
t h ree members:
A Design Educator
An Architectural Critic
A Practicing Architect Experienced in the Facility Type
The charrette jury is a pivotal advisory body to the A/E Evaluation Board. Once the
charrette submissions are received by GSA and determined by the contracting officer and
the professional advisor to be in compliance with all specified criteria, the jury meets
to evaluate the submissions and rank them according to the criteria issued under the
charrette rules. The jury evaluates the design concepts without knowledge of authorship.
Only after the jury has completed its evaluation and ranking is the lead designer-A/E team
associated with each submission revealed.
One of the jury members is appointed by the Office of the Chief Architect to serve as chair
and works with the professional advisor to pre p a re the jury report. They must ascertain
from fellow jurors the ranking as well as the reasons for such ranking. The report, with its
ranking and evaluation, is delive red to the A/E Evaluation Board verbally by the jury chair
and the professional advisor. How the chair and professional advisor convey this decision
to the A/E Evaluation Board and articulates the jury's thinking will have a major impact
on the board's final determination. The board will weigh the jury evaluation substantially
( 40%) and incorporate the jury ranking with the Stage II interview results to determine
the A/E Evaluation Board's final ranking of the lead designer-A/E teams.
section 6.7