Strategies for Selecting
the Lead Designer and the Design Excellence A/E Team
Consistency--A/E Evaluation Board members should attempt to ask the same or similar
questions of all teams. This will make comparisons easier. Questions should parallel the
e valuation criteria.
Evaluation Criteria and Scoring
A/E Evaluation Board members must evaluate lead designer-A/E teams based on
the criteria shared in the interview letter and noted on the evaluation forms. Prior to
the interviews, they should use these criteria to evaluate written materials. They may
then adjust scores up or down for each lead designer-A/E team based on the interview.
The final score should reflect a combined evaluation of the written documentation and
the interview.
The following evaluation criteria "groupings" address the F.A.R. items listed under
36.602-1 Selection Criteria:
The A/E Evaluation Board shall evaluate each potential team in terms of:
Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of re q u i red services.
Specialized experience and technical competence in the type of work required, including,
where appropriate, experience in energy conservation, pollution pre vention, waste
reduction, and the use of re c overed materials.
Capacity to accomplish the work in the required time.
Past performance on contracts with government agencies and private industry in terms
of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules.
K n owledge of the locality of the project.
For Design Excellence lead designer-A/E team selections, this evaluation is subdivided
among these criteria:
section 6.6