6 . 6 Stage II--Lead Designer-A/E Team Interviews
The goals of Stage II are to have the lead designers and associated design firms selected
in Stage I org a n i ze complete A/E teams and have the A/E Evaluation Board interview and
e valuate these lead designer-A/E teams. If there is no charrette, the board makes a rank
o rder recommendation to the GSA Selection Authority. If there is a charrette, the results
a re juried by three national peers and that evaluation is incorporated as a component
( re p resenting 40% of the final evaluation) in the lead designer-A/E team rankings that
a re submitted to the GSA Selection Authority. If there is a Stage III vision competition,
the A/E Evaluation Board selects the lead designer-A/E teams to advance to Stage III.
The following are aspects of the Stage II A/E team interview process:
The Interview Letter
Shortly after sending the shortlist letters and announcing the shortlisted firms in
FedBizOpps, a more detailed interview letter is sent to the lead designer or individual
members of the lead designer team. This specifies the date and location of the interview,
the Stage II documentation re q u i red, the deadline and address for receipt of these
documents, the interview time frame, the types of materials that may be used for the
p resentation (e.g., graphics only--no models, no design proposals), re q u i red handouts
(e.g., at least an outline of the presentation), and key presentation and interview issues.
(Two sample letters are included in the Re s o u rces and Sample Documents section of
this chapter.)
Assembling the A/E Teams
Each lead designer and associated design firm participating in Stage II must form a full
and complete A/E team in response to the criteria spelled out in the interview letter.
The required documentation should include evidence of how the team will fulfill GSA's
commitment to the socioeconomic initiatives of the federal government. Subcontracting
section 6.6