Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
The credit is not pursued.
The credit is not pursued.
Additional Considerations
In some projects, daylighting analysis of complex
spaces may be required, either through computer
modeling or through testing of scale models.
Additional soft costs may be required to perform
these analyses. Appendix H of this study includes
an estimate of the soft cost expectations for
computer daylight modeling (for one to two
selected building spaces).
Synergistic Credits
In an optimized daylighting design, the electrical
lighting system compliments the daylighting
measures, allowing energy savings via switching
options and/or automatic daylight dimming
controls. A potential synergy therefore exists
between this credit and credit EA-1 (Optimize
Energy Performance). Additional synergies exist
with credit EQ-8.2 (Daylight & Views, Views in
90% of Spaces).