GSA Courthouse Management Group
Mechanical Lift Analysis
Independent Lift System
The best functional planning scenario is to put the lift in use only when a physically
disabled person requires it for access to the witness box or judge's bench . An
independent lift system and enclosure require approximately 15 to 18 sq ft of dedicated
space within the courtroom well.
Standardization of Basic Elements
Once the planning configuration, platform size, and pit depth become standard; all related
architectural finishes and detailing can be incorporated into the construction documents
for bidding, with a minimum risk for change in adaptation to the selected lift system.
The suggested GSA / AOUSC performance criteria for information to include in the
project construction documents for bidding are as follows:
Incorporate the prototypical independent platform lift configuration
relative to the witness box and judge's bench as the standard;
Develop a standard platform size in conjunction with code and standard
Require a standard pit depth, to accommodate the hydraulic/scissors
design (greatest depth required) and eliminate the need for a transition
ramp at the lowest floor level in all cases; and
Specifically describe all required finish material selections and detail
The most significant requirements that impact the design of the lift system and enclosure
are those related to platform size, enclosure height, gate width, placement of system
controls above the platform level, and handrails.
Standardization of the platform plan dimensions must reflect the code / standards
requirement for a clear platform area of 36 in. by 60 in.
The minimum dimensional requirements related to the lift enclosure include:
Section 4-3
HDR Architecture, Inc.