GSA Courthouse Management Group
Mechanical Lift Analysis
Require that the lift supplier contract with a local qualified service
representative, who will maintain parts in stock, for a minimum period of
10 years; and
Require that the project specifications include a minimum of a 10-year
warrantee on all parts and operational controls.
Problems that have resulted at the lift system installations investigated were largely due
to the lack of comprehensive performance guidelines. GSA had anticipated this situation,
which is one of the main reasons for this Analysis. The related recommendations will
form the basis for future guidelines.
Attempts to incorporate the lift platform into the required general circulation path to the
witness box and judge's bench, and to eliminate the need for dedicated space in the
courtroom well area, have not been successful. These attempts have led to significant
service problems.
The disappointing results, particularly related to finish materials and details, are partially
due to lack of platform size standardization within the industry. Because of this situation,
GSA needs to limit the acceptable system design alternatives to those that can meet the
anticipated redefined performance expectations. Dimensional limits should be included to
assist the design A/E firm with effective integration of the architectural finish and detail
requirements into the construction documents for bidding.
General maintenance challenges can be reduced with more stringent guidelines related to:
requirements for regional service and parts; refinements to the interconnecting gate-
locking system; a checklist review of the system before acceptance; and equipment
Section 4-6
HDR Architecture, Inc.