GSA Courthouse Management Group
Mechanical Lift Analysis
Lack of design criteria related to architectural finishes and details.
Feasible Concepts
The hydraulic/scissors lift, the dominant system in use at the installations visited, is
vulnerable to several functional problems. All of these problems could be addressed with
relatively minor design considerations.
The cantilevered platform lift is a reliable alternative system because of the platform
stability achieved with the Acme screw drive mechanism; however, operating equipment
integration requires an approximately 40 in. wide by 12 in. deep and 48 in. high wall
recess space located immediately adjacent to the lift platform.
The suggested GSA/AOUSC performance criteria are as follows:
Hydraulic/scissors lift improvements
Require retractable struts
for sustained platform support at an elevated level; and
Always locate the hydraulic motor and electrical apparatus
outside the immediate courtroom environment.
Cantilevered platform lift improvements
Maximize utilization of a service access panel
at the back of the equipment tower.
Common improvements
Standardize platform plan dimensions.
A specific lift system should not be selected until the GSA Project Manager is able to
observe a manufacturer's product, first hand, in a courtroom installation and then assess
its functional performance.
Section 4-2
HDR Architecture, Inc.