6 . 1 Coordinating with OCA
The Office of the Chief Architect wants to support each Design Excellence project with the
best possible national peers. Contacting the OCA Center for Design Excellence and the
Arts at least one month in advance of any A/E selection meeting or peer review is critical
to this effort. The same peer must be invo l ved throughout the selection process and
continues through concept reviews, a consistent presence that only happens with schedule
flexibility and as much advance notice as possible.
6 . 2 Choosing and Appointing the A/E Evaluation Board
The role of the Architect/Engineer (A/E) Evaluation Board is described in F.A.R. 36.602-3.
The make up of the board is described in GSAM 536.602.
I S S U E S O F B A L A N C E , R E S P E C T, A N D C O L L A B O R AT I O N
Each member of the board should be knowledgeable in relevant disciplines and shoud be
selected based on the expertise needed for decision making related to a particular project.
By combining expertise, the board has a balance that allows each board member to learn
f rom the others. Each member should respect the views of his/her fellow board members.
This re q u i res that the board be comprised of individuals who are of similarly high
standing in their respective fields. The board should share a spirit of collaboration. Open,
s e a rching minds, and candid discussion will result in decisions that all can support.
A/E Evaluation Board members must be experts in the fields of architecture, engineering
or related design professions, such as landscape architecture, urban design, and interior
design, except as provided in 536.602-2(c)(5). Board members must also have expertise
in construction, government, and related acquisition matters. The majority of board
members must be GSA employees. Other members may include other federal government
sections 6.16.2