Strategies for Selecting
the Lead Designer and the Design Excellence A/E Team
O P T I O N 1 : T W O - S TA G E
O P T I O N 2 : T W O - S TA G E
O P T I O N 3 : T H R E E - S TA G E
Ranking of Lead Designer-
Coordinate Planning with
Shortlisting of Most Qualified
A/E Teams by A/E Evaluation Board
OCA and Charrette Advisor
Lead Designer-A/E Firms
and Hold Design Charrette
by A/E Evaluation Board for
Participation in Stage III
Vision Competition
Recommendation to the GSA
Regional Selection Authority
Blind Evaluation and Ranking
by the A/E Evaluation Board
of Design Charrette Visions by
Independent Jury of National Peers
Coordinate Planning with
OCA and Competition Advisor
and Hold Vision Competition
Final Selection by the GSA
Regional Selection Authority
Presentation of the Jury
Ranking and Report to the
A/E Evaluation Board by Jury
Blind Evaluation of Vision
Chair and Charrette Advisor
Competition by Independent
Contract Negotiation and Aw a rd
Jury of National Peers
Ranking of Lead Designer-
A/E Teams by A/E Evaluation Board
Presentation of the Jury
Incorporating Charrette Ranking
Ranking and Report to the
A/E Evaluation Board by Jury
Chair and Charrette Advisor
Recommendation to the GSA
Regional Selection Authority
by the A/E Evaluation Board
Ranking of Lead Designer-
A/E Teams by A/E Evaluation
Board Incorporating Vision
Competition Ranking
Final Selection by the GSA
Regional Selection Authority
Recommendation to the GSA
Regional Selection Authority
Contract Negotiation and Aw a rd
by the A/E Evaluation Board
Final Selection by the GSA
Regional Selection Authority
Contract Negotiation and Aw a rd
chapter 6 overview