Chapter 7: Jury Facilities
Grand Jury Suite
Grand jury suites require a 600 NSF (55.7 Nm2) hearing room, plus 500 NSF (46.5
Nm2) of ancillary and support space. See Table 7.1 for further detail.
Design Requirements
General Design Elements
For trial jury suites located above the ground floor, exterior windows are
recommended. For trial jury suites on the ground level, indirect daylight through
clerestory windows or other design features that maintain security and confidentiality
should be considered. In both cases, lighting should be controlled with blinds or
drapes. To help maintain security and privacy, grand jury suites should not have
windows; however, if windows are provided, opaque shades must be installed.
Exterior windows in the jury assembly area, lounges, and staff work areas are
Specific Design Requirements
Jury Assembly Area. In the jury assembly area, a jury clerk station is provided near
the check-in counter in the reception area. The workstation must accommodate a desk
and movable chair.
Trial Jury Suite. In the trial jury suite, a sworn-jury custodian station must be
provided outside the soundlock entrance. The station must accommodate a
worksurface with a drawer and armchair, located to allow visual surveillance of the
circulation areas leading to the trial jury suite.
Grand Jury Suite. In the grand jury suite, a court security workstation at the entry
reception area must be provided. The workstation must accommodate a worksurface
with drawer(s) and swivel-base armchair.
General. Storage must be provided at all three stations for jurors' personal belongings
(i.e., coats, hats, handbags), preferably in the entrance vestibule. Lockable cabinets
must be provided for exhibits, audio-visual equipment, and supplies that must be left
in the trial jury and grand jury rooms. See Table 7.1 for additional detail.