Chapter 7: Jury Facilities
Trial Jury Suite
Adequate seating must be provided for both jurors and alternates. Seating generally
consists of swivel armchairs.
A common central worksurface (e.g., a conference table to seat all jurors and
alternates) must be accommodated in each trial jury room.
Two toilets (male and female) must be provided for each trial jury suite. The toilets
must be accessible from a vestibule; direct access from the trial jury room must be
avoided. If direct access from the jury room is unavoidable, the toilet rooms must be
provided with a soundlock(s).
A drinking fountain or other source of drinking water must be provided for each trial
jury suite.
A service unit for preparing coffee and refreshments must be provided in trial jury
suites. The unit must include a small sink, base cabinets, overcounter cabinets, and
accommodation for a microwave oven and small refrigerator.
In each trial jury suite, a wall-mounted writing/display/projection surface must be
visible to all jurors.
The trial jury suite must be accessible to persons with disabilities. See ADAAG and
UFAS for details.
Grand Jury Suite
Similar to the trial jury suite, two toilets (male and female) must be provided for each
grand jury room. The toilets must be accessible from a vestibule; direct access from
grand jury room must be avoided. If direct access from the jury room is unavoidable,
the toilet rooms must be provided with a soundlock(s).
A drinking fountain or other source of drinking water must be provided for each grand
jury suite.
A service unit for preparing coffee and refreshments must be provided for grand jury
suites. The unit must include a small sink, base cabinets, overcounter cabinets, and
accommodation for a microwave oven and small refrigerator.
In each grand jury suite, a wall-mounted writing/display/projection surface must be
visible to all jurors. The unit must be readily accessible to the U.S. Attorney and
The grand jury suite must be accessible to persons with disabilities. See ADAAG and