Building Location and Site Selection: Channel development to urban or
and the design process is expedited because of the presence of the involved
suburban areas with existing infrastructure, protecting greenfields, and
parties while most of the major issues are explored. More thorough and
preserving habitat and natural resources by a number of activities, includ-
integrated solutions are the result.
2.2.4 Construction Management:
1. Building selected for tenant relocation is located in an estab-
The A/E contract should include development of the following environmental
lished building in a previously developed area.
management plans, developed with the input of relevant consultants and
2. Occupant renews lease at current location.
3. Occupant signs long-term lease.
Building Commissioning: Implement fundamental best practice commis-
The other concepts contained in this draft section are discussed in the
sioning procedures referenced in LEED Version 2.0, and meet as many
context of new construction in Section 5.1, based upon site selection crite-
ria found in LEED Version 2.0.
Construction Waste Management: Develop a detailed program for con-
Best Practices: Encourage tenants to select buildings with best practice
struction/ demolition waste materials recycling, as described in LEED
systems and employed green strategies. The specific criteria for green
Version 2.0.
strategies are essentially some of those included in LEED Version 2.0.
Construction IAQ Management: Develop a detailed program to indoor air
Selection of a LEED Certified Building is a proposed alternative method
quality contamination from construction by meeting SMACNA IAQ Guide-
for achieving credit in this category.
lines for Occupied Buildings under Construction, protecting stored or in-
Flexibility of Design: Encourage design that is easily reconfigured for
stalled absorptive materials, replacing air filtration media prior to occu-
future expansion and/or contraction, thus decreasing churn costs and
pancy, and conducting an IAQ testing procedure, as described in LEED
conserving resources, by specifying some percentage of building interior
components to be easily reconfigurable.
Version 2.0.
Accredited Professional: Support and encourage design integration re-
Harmful Paint Ingredients which are not allowed in "Green Seal" products:
quired by a LEED project and streamline the application and certification
process by including at least one principal participant of the project team
that has successfully completed the applicable LEED Accredited Profes-
sional exam.
butyl benzyl phthalate
di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
di-n-butyl phthalate
2.2.3 Integrative Design:
diethyl phthalate
dimethyl phthalate
The integrated design process begins with the first "design workshop" and
ethyl benzene
continues throughout the various project phases. This process provides a
forum and methodology wherein every team member is encouraged to cross-
methyl ethyl ketone
fertilize solutions to problems that may relate to, but are not typically ad-
methyl isobutyl ketone
methylene chloride
dressed by, their specialty. The objective is to have every member of the
toluene (methyl benzene)
design team understand the issues that the other members need to ad-
vinyl chloride
This is a successful way to educate all the participants: architects, engi-
neers, and the client team. Staff members are invited to participate through-
out the process. Participants are educated about the issues and "buy in" to
the solutions. The education process is accelerated, decisions are verified,
adversity is diminished, the nuances of organizational issues are learned,
PBS-140 - July 2003