GSA Design
Verify that the design complies with GSA design guidelines and stan-
Guidelines & Stan-
dards (i.e. GSA P-100, Court Design Guide, Border Station Guide and Fed-
eral Facility Council requirements).
Ensure the design maximizes the functional needs of the occupants.
Review to ensure that systems relating to thermal, visual acoustical, air
Indoor Environmen-
quality comfort, air distribution maximize comfort and are in accordance
tal Quality (IEQ)
with Owner's Project Requirements.
Perform a life cycle assessment of the primary competing mechanical
Life Cycle Costs
systems relative to energy efficiency, O&M, IEQ, functionality, sustain-
Review for owner requirements that provide flexible and efficient opera-
tion as required in the P-100, including off peak chiller heating/cooling
AHU operations, and size and zoning of AHU's and themostated areas.
Operations and
Review for effects of specified systems and layout toward facilitating
Maintenance (O&M)
O&M (equipment accessibility, system control, etc.).
O&M Documentation
Verify adequate building O&M documentation requirements.
Owner's Project
Verify that contract documents are in keeping with and will meet the
Owner's Project Requirements.
Review the structural concepts/design for enhancements (i.e. blast & pro-
gressive collapse).
Review to ensure that the building materials, landscaping, water and
waste management create less of an impact on the environment, contribute
to creating a healthful and productive workspace, and are in accordance
with Owner's Requirement. See also P-100 LEED requirements.
Verify adequate operator training requirements.
*In certain jurisdictions, State and local government officials may elect to perform code compliance construction
inspections of the building systems. Therefore, it is recommended that the A/E, CxA, CMa and each contractor's
contract include provisions for each to handle the additional requirement of coordinating their work with State and
local government officials. In addition, the CxA must coordinate all Fire Protection & Life Safety system commis-
sioning with the GSA Fire Protection Engineer.