Protection and Control of Government Documents
The CxA is required to develop and utilize procedures for custody, use/handling,
reproduction, storage, safeguarding, and disposition of all documents and
information of this nature. These procedures must be designed and carried out
so that there is no unauthorized disclosure of such documents and information
throughout the contract performance.
Exhibit 1: Commissioning Agent Focused Design Review Scope
Review is to occur at the end of Concepts/beginning of Design Development and toward the end of
Construction Documents phases.
Review contract documents to facilitate project certification goals (i.e. does
design meet Energy Star requirements; does Cx meet LEED criteria, etc.).
Review contract documents to facilitate effective commissioning (suffi-
cient accessibility, test ports, monitoring points, etc.).
Verify that bid documents adequately specify building commissioning,
including testing requirements by equipment type.
Review HVAC, lighting, fire control, emergency power, security control
Control System &
system, strategies and sequences of operation for adequacy and effi-
Control Strategies
Review the electrical concepts/systems for enhancements.
Review for adequacy of the effectiveness of building layout and efficiency
Energy Efficiency
of system types and components for building shell, HVAC systems and
lighting systems.
Review envelope design and assemblies for themal and water integrity,
moisture vapor control and assembly life, including impacts of interior
surface finishes and impacts and interactions with HVAC systems (blast,
hurricane, water penetration).
Review contract documents to facilitate effective commissioning of fire
Fire Protection & Life
protection & life safety systems and to aid Fire Protection Engineer in sys-
tem testing to obtain the GSA Occupancy Permit