applicable governing codes and standards. No building or portion thereof shall
be occupied until the GSA Fire Protection Engineer has issued a certificate
of occupancy. Once the GSA Fire Protection Engineer has ensured that to the
best of their knowledge all the fire protection and life safety systems have been
completed, inspected, successfully tested and approved and all outstanding fire
and life safety deficiencies have been corrected to afford a reasonable degree of
safety to the building occupants from fire and similar emergencies, a certificate
of occupancy will be issued.
20. Maintain a master issues log and a separate record of functional testing. Report
all issues through the Construction Manager as they occur. Provide through the
Construction Manager written progress reports and test results with recom-
mended actions.
21. Review equipment warranties to ensure that GSA responsibilities are clearly
22. Facilitate, oversee and review the training of GSA operating personnel. Oversee
the videotaping of this training. Attend and participate in key training sessions.
23. Review and review the preparation of the O&M manuals for commissioned
24. Compile a Commissioning Record, which shall include:
A. A brief summary report that includes a list of participants and roles, brief
building description, overview of commissioning and testing scope, and a
general description of testing and verification methods. For each piece of
commissioned equipment, the report shall contain the disposition of the com-
missioning provider regarding the adequacy of the equipment, documentation
and training meeting the contract documents in the following areas:
1) Equipment meeting the equipment specifications,
2) Equipment installation,
3) Functional performance and efficiency,
4) Equipment documentation, and
5) Operator training.
B. All outstanding non-compliance items shall be specifically listed.
Recommendations for improvement to equipment or operations, future ac-
tions, commissioning process changes, etc. shall also be listed. Each non-
compliance issue shall be referenced to the specific functional test, inspec-