Appendix C: Feasibility Study Checklist (cont.)
Legacy Activities
Art in Architecture
Assesses the public nature of the building and the resulting public art opportunities.
Determines the appropriate funding level for art.
Includes a budget for Art in Architecture in the Site/Design Prospectus proposal.
Includes a commissioning process in the submitted Project Management Plan.
Design Excellence
Establishes the fundamental project parameters and the scope for the project.
Ensures adequate site acquisition and design budgets.
Sets customer expectations to allow for a high-quality design effort later.
Addresses community expectations.
First Impressions
Identifies First Impressions enhancements that should be included in the
capital project.
Historic Resources
Sets customer expectations about the process and requirements of assessing, protecting,
and renovating historic properties, archaeological sites, and cultural landscapes.
Identifies historic districts and properties that may be affected.
Develops a plan to implement the project in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA.
Uses BPPs to shape preferred alternatives and decisions about adaptive reuse.
Establishes the project's direction, based on consideration of macro-level alternatives
that affect the fundamental disposition of historic resources (e.g., demolition, new
Suggests opportunities to further GSA's preservation goals.
Establishes design budgets that are sufficient to meet NHPA Section 106 obligations.
Ensures that project design/construction budgets include anticipated costs for
archaeological resource identification, recovery, and construction as needed.
Provides time and resources to identify, understand, and address community interests.
Considers the NEPA-related impacts of various alternatives.
Begins informal consultations with local officials, stakeholders, and/or experts.
Ensures that the customer understands the NEPA process and sets expectations accordingly.
Includes a plan for the NEPA process in the Project Management Plan that supports
the Site/Design Prospectus.
Provides supporting information for GSA's Environmental Checklist, which is submitted
with the Site/Design Prospectus.