Program Development Study Phase
2.3 Select the PDS Contractor
A/E Fee Adjustment
The GSA Contracting Officer, a key member of the PDS team, shepherds the team
The A/E's fee may need to
be adjusted as the PDS's
through the contractor selection process. In a traditional Design Excellence
scope definition and sub-
procurement, the Architect of Record performs the PDS and designs the facility, so
sequent estimates provide
there is no separate procurement for a PDS contractor.
more accurate details than
the Feasibility Study's ECC.
When another A/E delivery method is recommended (e.g., limited-scope systems
Plan a strategy to identify
project), it will be necessary to select a PDS contractor. In many cases, the PDS firm
and address any scope
already may be on board or easily procured via a Regional Indefinite Delivery Indefinite
changes during the develop-
Quantity (IDIQ) contract or other contracting mechanism.
ment of the Construction
Recommended Activities
Review capabilities of professional services firms.
Check the qualifications of firms already on board (e.g., IDIQ, FSS/MOBIS
contracts) in light of the complexity of the project and required expertise.
Take advantage of the expertise of the Contracting Officer and other Project
Managers to evaluate the suitability of available contractors for this PDS.
Establish the procurement timeline.
Check with the Contracting Officer about the time required to bring a firm on
board. This varies significantly, depending whether the firm is under an existing
contract or whether the PDS needs to begin a solicitation from scratch.
Issue the RFP.
Use the scope of work created in the previous step (2.2), to issue the RFP.
Award the job.
Receive offers, negotiate the terms, and award the contract.
Complete procurement activities with the Contracting Officer.
Issuance of a notice to proceed to the PDS contractor
This task typically takes two (2) weeks. Factor impacting duration:
Use of a non-IDIQ contractor