Pre-Planning Phase
Overview of the Pre-Planning Phase
The Pre-Planning phase highlights the importance of day-to-day facilities management
in shaping a successful Capital Program, especially the evaluation of alternatives. From
its daily operations, GSA knows the community inventory, the market conditions,
and the customer's business needs (see Exhibit 3.1).
During this phase, GSA develops the contextual understanding of its inventory,
an intimate knowledge of its facilities, supportive budgets, and solid relationships with
stakeholders. These activities enable GSA to identify potential projects, alternative
solutions, and implementation strategies.
Recommended Activities
1. Know the customer and their business objectives
Understanding Building
Assess the customer's present and future needs, as well as changing work processes.
Collaborate with community stakeholders about issues of common interest. Know
Ongoing renovations and
community plans and develop local contacts. Maintain ongoing communications
repair projects, like this
with the customer and community stakeholders.
restroom upgrade, reveal
the condition of the building
2. Understand the asset
systems, the presence of
Complete LPPs and ABPs; facilities studies (including BERs, BPPs, seismic
asbestos, and other
studies); various small renovation projects (BA54); and lease acquisition studies
conditions that come into
(including market studies).
play during the Feasibility
Study and the PDS. During
3. Compare the customer's requirements to the portfolio capability and capacity
the early stages of the
Define the gaps between the customer's needs and the portfolio's supply and
Feasibility Study, it is
determine potential solutions.
essential that the planning
team understand the
4. Create a budget (BA61)
Include all of the studies needed to support the Capital Program (e.g., those cited
of hazardous materials.
above), as well as the Feasibility Study and PDS.
Invasive investigations are
the most effective way to
do this.
Familiarity with GSA portfolio and customer facility program
Close working relationships with the customer agency and local community
Pre-planning viewpoint integrated into day-to-day operations
Background information (or supporting documents) to inform future decisions
These tasks are ongoing during normal GSA facility management operations.