What's Important and When
Pointed in the Right
The Feasibility Study establishes the budget for site selection, including the costs for the
site, tenant and utility relocation, demolition, and hazardous materials abatement.
The Feasibility Study
The Site Selection Study "informs" the PDS in matters of site design and construction.
investigates potential sites
and constructability,
estimates acquisition costs,
Develops working relationships with local stakeholders.
and supports the site/
Shares long-range plans and becomes familiar with potential sites
design funding request.
in the community.
During the authorization
Feasibility Study
process, the project then
Proposes project size, scope, typical floor plate size, setbacks, and other
"floats" forward on the
quality of that initial work,
requirements that drive the size, location requirements, and cost of the site
along with the customer's
and play a major role in building massing and design decisions.
expectations, sometimes
Evaluates both the market capacity and the acquisition cost to supply a sufficient
for several years before
site at the time of acquisition.
formal site selection and
Begins to set customer and community expectations about the future
acquisition can begin.
Then the site investigation
site selection.
process starts anew.
Program Development Study
Like a boat that has
Reviews the Site Selection Study and refines site preparation and construction
temporarily cut its engines
costs. Construction costs for new courthouse projects are provided by the
(for two years), problems
Center for Courthouse Programs.
will arise if the project
Uses the most up-to-date site information (including subsoil, contamination,
has been drifting in the
wrong direction.
urban design, expansion requirements, demolition, and relocation) to
ensure that the project funding request is sufficient to build on a typical site in
the delineated area.
Sustainable Design
Building performance can be optimized and impacts to the environment and health
can be reduced when sustainability concerns are addressed at the beginning of a
project. GSA has adopted the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
rating system as a measure for sustainable design. All GSA projects for new and fully
renovated buildings must achieve LEED Certification, and a Silver rating is encouraged.