What's Important and When
Legacy Activities
Money Matters
Legacy activities go beyond basic customer needs and facility requirements to exemplify
Like all project
considerations, Design
the long-term value that the federal facilities and programs contribute to the protection
Excellence, urban
of national resources and improved quality of the built environment.
development, historic
preservation, and other
Art in Architecture
legacy goals depend on
GSA's Art in Architecture program incorporates fine art into the design of new
budgets set years
federal buildings and major renovation projects. The commissioning process includes
before design begins.
public participation and is coordinated with the early stages of the design process.
While the project teams
Project budgets must reserve a minimum of one-half of one percent of the estimated
must always manage the
budget and make trade-offs,
construction cost to commission original works by living artists. This minimum
quality projects require
can be increased if the Regional Office and the Art in Architecture program staff
that these legacy goals be
believe that an increase is appropriate (e.g., the estimated construction cost is too small
planned for throughout
for an appropriate commission, or the project could make a significant public art
the process.
contribution to the community). Documents and project-specific guidance are available
from each Regional Fine Arts Officer and the OCA's Center for Design Excellence
and the Arts (see "Appendix G").
Conserves existing commissioned pieces and conducts studies as appropriate.
Feasibility Study
Assesses the public nature of the building and the resulting public art opportunities.
Determines the appropriate funding level of art.
Includes a budget for Art in Architecture in the Site/Design Prospectus proposal.
Includes a commissioning process in the submitted Project Management Plan.
Program Development Study
Includes design directives for Art in Architecture.
Proposes design directives and a budget to reflect unique opportunities that may
warrant additional funding.