Exhibit 1.2: Summary Sheet--Pre-Planning Phase
The Pre-Planning phase represents GSA`s day-to-day facility operations. It assembles
the people, information, and budgets needed for an effective evaluation of the
alternatives that will be developed in the Feasibility Study. During the Pre-Planning
phase, GSA becomes familiar with much of this information (e.g., special studies,
customer agency plans, facility requirements, and community characteristics).
Keys to Success
Know GSA's inventory in the community and the local market.
Maintain close working relationships with customer and community stakeholders.
Know GSA facility needs and urgencies.
Maintain ongoing communication with the customer agency
and community stakeholders.
Complete Local Portfolio Plans (LPPs) and Asset Business Plans (ABPs).
Complete facility conditions and other special studies, including Building
Evaluation Reports (BERs), Building Preservation Plans (BPPs), and seismic and
security studies, among others.
Assess the customer's present and future needs.
Reserve budgets for additional required studies.
Know community plans and develop local contacts.
Topic-specific studies necessary to prepare the Feasibility Study or PDS
(e.g., BERs, BPPs, seismic).
Ongoing small renovation projects (Budget Activity 54, BA54).
Informal customer agency needs assessments or space requests.