Overview of GSA's Capital Program
Overview of the Process
As a federal agency, GSA has a prescribed method (see Exhibit 1.1) for evaluating,
proposing, and securing funding for capital projects. This is known as the
Capital Investment and Leasing Program (CILP). The key characteristics of the
program are described below:
GSA Regional Offices submit annual proposals for consideration and inclusion
Sioux City, IA
into the GSA's budget request to GSA's Central Office, which develops the
The Asset Business Team
submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The Regional
played a key role in the
project submissions for a given authorization are sent in about two years before
capital development
the fiscal funding year to allow for internal and OMB reviews. For example,
process for the renovation
projects for authorization for 2005 were submitted to GSA's Central Office in
of this historic courthouse.
the spring of 2003.
In the Pre-Planning phase, a
master housing plan for the
GSA issues the specific requirements for project submittal in an annual Planning
agencies provided in-depth
Call to its Regional Offices. The specific requirements for these submissions
information for tenant
may vary slightly from year to year, but the basics remain constant.
needs. During the Feasibility
Study, the team assisted
GSA's Feasibility Studies and Program Development Studies (PDSs) form the
with the scope of work,
foundation of the Capital Program.
reviewed and commented
throughout the process, and
GSA typically must receive separate authorization for design and site acquisition
functioned as the core team
funding (Feasibility Study) and construction funding (PDS). These actions are
for the project's funding and
usually two years apart.
execution phases. Through-
out the housing plan and the
GSA requires a Feasibility Study to support an authorization request for site
Feasibility Study, the team
acquisition and design funding.
tracked tenant requirements
GSA requires a Program Development Study (PDS) to support an authorization
by agency/bureau code, a
skillful contribution to the
for construction funding. Design/build and lease construct projects follow a
quality of data (and
different path, using a one-step funding process. In these cases, the Feasibility
everyone's sanity).
Study and PDS are combined into a single document.
Exhibits 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 include a summary of the Pre-Planning, Feasibility Study,
and PDS activities, respectively.