2. Short circuit calculations.
1. Demolition plans.
3. Voltage drop calculations.
2. Floor plans.
4. Overcurrent coordination study.
Show lighting, power distribution and
Include starter loads.
3. Single-line diagram of primary and secondary
power distribution.
6. UPS calculation (if UPS provided).
Include normal power, emergency power and
Code criteria should be reviewed by each discipline to
the degree of detail necessary to assure that tasks
4. Single-line diagram of fire alarm system.
accomplished in this phase meet the code requirements.
5. Single-line diagram of telecommunications system.
Construction Documents Specifications
6. Circuit layout of lighting control system.
7. Details of underfloor distribution system.
1. Instructions to bidders.
8. Site plan.
2. Division 1, edited to suit specific GSA requirements.
Indicate service locations, manholes, ductbanks
3. Technical specifications sections, organized according
and site lighting.
to CSI format.
9. Layout of electrical equipment spaces.
Specifications must be fully edited, typed and
Show all electrical equipment. Include elevations
bound. Room finish, color and door schedules
can be incorporated into either the specifications
or drawings.
10. Schedules for switchgear, switchboards, motor
Construction Documents Cost Estimate. A cost estimate
must be provided. It should comply with the require-
11. Grounding diagram.
ments for construction documents phase estimate stated
12. Complete phasing plan (if required) for additions
in the Cost Estimating Requirements of the Appendix's
and alterations.
Section A.1 of this Facilities Standard.
13. Security systems site plan.
Final locations of all security devices and
conduit runs.
14. Security system floor plans.
Layout of all security systems.
15. Storage areas for electrical equipment/spare parts.
Alteration Projects Construction Documents
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100