Historic Preservation
specialist qualification requirements, Sections 00120 and
1. Demolition plans.
009[00], cross referenced in material specifications
2. Floor plans.
Show planning grids and raised access floor grid,
if applicable.
historic materials, including:
3. Reflected ceiling plans.
Specialized materials and procedures for repair
Show ceiling grid and location of all elements to
and restoration of historic materials
be placed in the ceiling.
Procedures for protecting historic materials in
areas being altered
4. Building sections.
Sample review requirements of repair and
Vertical zoning for electrical and mechanical
restoration procedures
utilities must be indicated on sections.
Sample submittal requirements for replacement
5. Roof Plans.
materials and new installations in preservation
Roof plans must show slopes, low points, drains
and scuppers, if applicable.
6. Exterior elevations.
7. Wall sections.
8. Interior elevations.
1. Demolition plans (where applicable).
9. Details.
2. Full set of structural construction drawings.
10. Schedules
Drawings must be fully dimensioned, noted and
detailed for accurate bidding and construction.
Load criteria for all floor live load, roof live load,
1. Instructions to bidders.
roof snow load, wind load, earthquake design
2. Division 1, edited to suit specific GSA requirements.
data, and special loads must be shown on
3. Room finish, color and door schedules can be incor-
drawings. Live load reduction of the uniformly
porated into either the specifications or drawings.
distributed floor live loads, if used in the design,
shall be indicated.
Basic wind speed (3-second gust), miles per hour
(km/hr), Wind importance factor, I, and building
category, Wind exposure, the applicable internal
pressure coefficient must be indicated.
Alteration Projects Construction Documents
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100