consideration for a structural design is the number and
9.4 Structural Systems
size of floor slab penetrations required in court areas for
initial and future renovation. Increasingly, the require-
ments of electrical and data/telecommunication systems
require frequent access, and change to accommodate use
of new technology.
Other design considerations include:
Floor-to-floor heights providing adequate space for raised
access floor systems.
Floor-to-floor heights designed to support horizontal utility
runs above the ceiling.
Floor-loading capacities planned to accommodate initial
and planned future loads, particularly in areas near
building cores which can serve as special "high"
service zones.
Floor-loading to accommodate the secure, solid filled,
reinforced security walls wherever they may occur in the
dedicated USMS space.
Roof loads must consider general personnel and
Byron White Courthouse, Denver, CO
equipment loads, and should be planned to accommodate
additional loads for antennas, satellite dishes, and window
washing equipment.
General Requirements
Special structural capacity should also be provided in the
The selection of the primary structural system for the new
following areas of U.S. Court facilities:
U.S. Court facility will be based on a variety of functional,
technical, and load criteria. Whatever system is selected,
Judge's chambers should be designed to provide
the building should be planned with the longest logical
7.2 kPa (150 lb/sf) live load capacity.
clear spans (spacing between columns) and simplified
Court library areas (central and satellite) designed to
structural framing to provide flexibility for modification/
provide 7.2 kPa (150 lb/sf) live load capacity.
adaptation to accommodate areas of special-use,
Moveable shelving live loads should be determined by
including future courtrooms. (If space is dedicated to
reference to International Building Code requirements in
future Courts, the column layout must not disrupt
the location where construction is taking place.
internal sightlines of the courtrooms.)
USMS space per RSSPSSM.
Design of the courtrooms and court-area structural
Clerk of the Court file storage area designed to accom-
configuration must respond to the needs for electrical and
modate high density file storage as identified by the court.
data/telecommunication systems and their related
horizontal/vertical distribution network. An important
Structural Systems
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100