Fixed and Movable Furniture
Courtrooms: Acoustic characteristics and aesthetics are
the main considerations in the selection of a ceiling sys-
Components to be provided by GSA in U.S Court
tem. The ceiling design and materials must enhance the
facilities include fixed and limited movable furniture and
acoustic performance of the well area. (Ideal reverbera-
millwork required for the operations of the courts in
tion time in a courtroom is 0.5 to 0.6 seconds). This will
courtrooms, grand jury, hearing room, jury assembly
involve the use of reflective and absorptive materials in
room, and public transaction counters. In general, built-in
the space.
furniture needs to be designed with integral cable
raceways plus conduits sized for future expansion and
Public Spaces: The ceiling system must accommodate
change. Built-in furnishings will also include access panels
future changes to the layout of the space and allow access
to permit easy cable and wiring changes. Provisions for
for maintenance of the building systems above and within
power, data and telecommunication outlets and inputs;
the ceiling plane including: mechanical systems; diffuser
sound and other systems shall be confirmed during the
locations; smoke detectors; communication devices; lights;
Design Development Phase of the project on a position-
and life safety devices. Acoustic tile in a suspended ceiling
by-position basis. Courthouse furniture must meet a
grid is typically provided in these areas, along with sup-
variety of needs, and selection must consider function,
plemental use of gypsum wallboard in soffits, perimeter
cost, availability, and aesthetic criteria. The selection and
coves, recesses and reveals.
design of fixed and limited movable furniture should be
Office and Conference Spaces: Flexibility and durability
carefully coordinated to achieve a consistent image,
are also the main considerations in the selection of a
proper function, and required clearances.
ceiling system which must accommodate change and
Movable furniture to be provided by GSA in the U.S.
accessibility above the ceiling plane. The ceiling material
Court facilities will consist of miscellaneous items,
should absorb sound to provide speech privacy and
primarily lecterns and counsel tables for courtrooms.
control transfer of noise from machines, computers, light
ballasts, and other sources within adjacent office areas.
Typical provisions for moveable furnishings in U.S.
Courts are indicated in tables provided for each category
Detainee Areas: Security
and durability are the
of space use in the USCDG. All items to be provided by
considerations in the selection of a ceiling system. Refer to
the GSA within the baseline rent charges are assumed to
USMS-RSSPSSM for suggested ceiling materials in these
be included within the anticipated construction budget.
Refer to the USMS-RSSPSSM for a detailed description of
The USCDG outlines all of the appropriate interior
USMS fixed and movable furniture requirements in U.S.
Court Facilities.
272 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
9.3 Architectural and Interior Design
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100