Table 3-1
Space Classification
1. Office
Total Office
2. Other General Purpose
ADP, auditorium, light industrial, structurally changed, lab, conference/training, food
service, cafeteria, snack bar, health unit, fitness center, judges chambers, childcare
General Storage
general storage
Tenant floor cut
Outlease Retail
judicial hearing rooms, courtrooms
Non-Building Charges*
railroad crossing, antennas, boat dock, land
*(square footages associated with this category, if they exist, fall outside the ANSI/BOMA total, and the "Assigned" total)
used. The extent of control should be defined by the
In large or high-rise buildings, the number of freight
Project Team. See Chapter 8, Security Design.
elevators provided for GSA buildings should be
determined by the elevator traffic analysis. The use of
Trap doors and hoist beams shall be provided at the
more than one freight elevator will provide better freight
elevator machine rooms for traction elevators where the
service for the tenants as well as provide redundancy for
machine room is not served by a freight or service
normal maintenance and during times when repair work
elevator for removal of equipment for service and repair.
is conducted.
Elevator Traffic Analysis. The A/E must hire an
Where equipment penthouses are provided, service
independent consultant to perform objective studies on
elevators should provide access to that level.
the number and type of elevators needed at the facility.
There may be Security or specific purpose elevators to
The traffic analysis shall determine the quantity, capacity
transport designated groups of people such as judges,
and speed requirements of elevators. The capacity and
cabinet members or prisoners. An elevator shall service all
speed are the limiting factors used in determining the
maintenance floors.
minimum number of cars that will meet both the average
interval and handling capacity criteria.
Lockout should be provided for all floors served by
passenger and freight elevators. Key locks, card readers or
Separate calculations must be made for passenger and for
coded key pads, integral with the elevator control panel,
freight or service (combination of passenger and freight)
must be provided to override lockout. A non-proprietary
traffic. If there are parking levels in the building, a
control system for elevator security systems should be
separate analysis should be prepared for the shuttle
elevators connecting parking levels with the lobby.
Basic Building Planning Principles
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100