Five key concepts must be followed in providing
Raised Floor Systems. Access floors shall be incorporated
technology infrastructure in Federal buildings.
into all new construction where office functions will take
place. Permanent corridors can be exempted from this
Equipment rooms and closets should be located together
requirement. See the GSA PBS Guidelines for Raised Floor
on each floor.
Systems, with and without Underfloor Air Distribution
All walls of equipment rooms and closets should be
(RF/UFAD Guidelines) for more information.
stacked vertically using the same plan configuration from
floor to floor to accommodate vertical risers for backbone
The vertical zoning of the floor-to-floor space for
systems. When more than one closet is required on each
horizontal utility distribution must be analyzed. In typical
floor, they shall be interconnected by a minimum of two
office areas, this can be standardized. In special purpose
100 mm (8 inch) conduit passageways.
spaces such as courtrooms, meeting rooms, library stacks,
or laboratory spaces, the infrastructure must be given
Accessible flexible horizontal pathways must be provided
detailed consideration before establishing the final floor-
from the closets on each floor to the workstation outlets.
to-floor heights. See the RF/UFAD Guidelines for more
These pathways may be through underfloor ducts, cellular
floor systems, access floor systems, or overhead cable
trays and wire ways. Horizontal pathways must provide at
If floor air plenum distribution is to be considered in
least three separate channels for separation of power and
offices with raised floors, refer to the RF/UFAD Guidelines
for more information.
Excess capacity must be provided in each system for
All underfloor and ceiling areas used for horizontal
future expansion of services.
system distribution must be accessible without requiring
The data/telecommunications closet must be adequately
repair to interior finishes. To the extent possible, avoid
sized to accommodate multiple vendor equipment and for
routing pathways over areas where it is difficult to bring in
the ease of maintenance of the equipment.
hoist or set up scaffolding, such as fixed seating areas and
sloped or terraced floors for stairways.
EIA/TIA Standard 569: Commercial Building Standard
For Telecommunications Pathways And Spaces (and related
bulletins) provides specific criteria for infrastructure
Space Allocations and Classifications
for communication systems. The criteria covers the
This section describes the methodology and policies for
communication service entrance pathway, entry point,
tabulating space requirements for GSA facilities. It also
entrance room, equipment room, vertical backbone
describes application of GSA policies for providing and
pathway, communication closets, and horizontal
charging tenant agencies for space in GSA owned or
pathways. Horizontal pathways covered by this standard
controlled space.
include underfloor duct, access floor, conduit, cable trays
and wire ways, ceiling pathways and perimeter pathways.
The GSA provides space for Federal agencies and charges
the agencies a rental rate for the space they utilize. There-
fore, GSA tabulates space for both planning purposes and
for charging rent. These two purposes require slightly
different application of the same space measurement
54 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
3.1 Basic Building Planning Principles
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100