Recommended Preparation
Governmental Organizations
Provide this guide to staff and architectural/engineering (A/E) firms.
Place CBD advertisements in metric format. SeeA/E-CM CBD Guidance section.
Private Design Firms
Contact product suppliers for metric product literature. If not available, request it be
developed, even as a supplement to existing material. Research for competitive sources of
materials specified must be performed just as it is for English-dimensioned documents.
U.S. Government selection of design firms will increasingly emphasize firms with metric
Obtain important design documents: ASTM E380, ASTM E621, Graphic Standards
(Eighth Edition), AISC LRFD Steel Data (Metric Version), ACI 318M Building Code
(metric), and the ASHRAE SI metric version handbooks.
Product Manufacturers
Develop metric product literature. Most products in use today will not undergo any
physical change during the metric transition. However, they will be specified only in
metric dimensions on Federal projects.
Metric product literature may be as simple as bond paper supplements, with metric
dimensions, attached to existing material.
Products identified herein as hard metric products have been researched and are
competitively available today. Manufacturers of these products may wish to coordinate
with trade groups to develop new standard metric sizes and use this as an opportunity to
reduce product variations. Many other countries have done this as metric was
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