appear in reports,drawings, specifications, or any other submissions. A/E firms must strive to
utilize as many round metric products as possible.
All cost estimating should be submitted in metric units only.
All correspondence should be written in SI units exclusively.
Submit shop drawings, catalog cuts, and other construction phase material in metric units.
Submit all operation and maintenance manuals in metric units.
Specification Guidance
Based on metric project experience, terminology similar to the following three paragraphs
should be included in Division One of the construction specification.
"During the prebid and/or preconstruction conference, a session will be specifically devoted to
metric. GSA or its representatives will explain that most products specified are the same
products contractors are currently using, only specified in metric dimensions. Modular metric
products used on the project will be identified and discussed. Contractors will be cautioned
that they should ask suppliers about delivery schedules on modular and round metric products,
and not assume they are the same as English-dimensioned ones. Contractors should ensure
that all workers are using metric tapes and not trying to convert to English at every
"All correspondence must use SI metric units exclusively. All cost data submitted by the
contractor in a proposal or any other submission must be in metric units. All shop drawings,
catalog cuts, and other submittals must be submitted with metric units and dimensions that
clearly demonstrate conformance with the metric units given in the drawings and
specifications. Metric supplements to existing product literature or data will be accepted on
bond paper.
"All operations and maintenance (O&M) material must be submitted with metric units and
dimensions that clearly demonstrate conformance with the metric units given in the drawings
and specifications. Metric supplements to existing O&M material will be accepted on bond
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