(1) an assessment of progress made by individual Federal agencies towards implementing the purposes
underlying this order;
(2) an assessment of the effect that this order has had on achieving the national goal of establishing the
metric system as the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce; and
(3) on October 1, 1992, any recommendations which the Secretary may have for additional measures,
including proposed legislation, needed to achieve the full economic benefits of metric usage.
Sec. 2. Department of Agency Responsibilities. All executive branch departments and agencies of the
United States Government are directed to take all appropriate measures within their authority to carry out
the provisions of this order. Consistent with this mission, the head of each executive department and
agency shall:
(a) use, to the extent economically feasible by September 30, 1992, or by such other date or dates
established by the department or agency in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, the metric system
of measurement in Federal Government procurement, grants, and other businessrelated activities. Other
business-related activities include all use of measurement units in agency programs and functions related to
trade, industry, and commerce.
(1) Metric usage shall not be required to the extent that such use is impractical or is likely to cause
significant inefficiencies or loss of markets to United States firms.
(2) Heads of departments and agencies shall establish an effective process for a policylevel and
program-level review of proposed exceptions to metric usage. Appropriate information about exceptions
granted shall be included in the agency annual report along with recommendations for actions to enable
future metric usage.
(b) seek out ways to increase understanding of the metric system of measurement throu h educational
information and guidance and in Government publications. The transition to use of metric units in
Government publications should be made as publications are revised on normal schedules or new
publications are developed, or as metric publications are required in support of metric usage pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) seek the appropriate aid, assistance, and cooperation of other affected parties, including other
Federal, State, and local agencies and the private sector, in implementing this order. Appropriate use shall
be made of governmental, trade, professional, and private sector metric coordinating groups to secure the
maximum benefits of this order through proper communication among affected sectors.
(d) formulate metric transition plans for the department or agency which shall incorporate the
requirements of the Metric Conversion Act and this order, and which shall be approved by the department
or agency head and be in effect by November 30, 1991. Copies of approved plans shall be forwarded to the
Secretary of Commerce. Such metric transition plans shall specify, among other things:
(1) the total scope of the metric transition task for that department or agency, including firm dates for all
metric accomplishment milestones for the current and subsequent fiscal year;
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