Systems Furniture
Systems furniture manufacturers will not all convert to metric sizes immediately. Many
companies export their English-dimensioned products to countries that construct buildings in
metric. These products will need their dimensions identified in metric units in product literature
for ease of layout. Listed below are some firms that have product literature with metric
GF Furniture Systems, Inc., Youngstown, OH, currently exports its English-size panels all
over the world for use in metric construction. Product literature is available with metric
dimensions (Don Detweiler, 216-533-7799).
Herman Miller, Inc., Zeeland, MI, produces both English-size and round metric-siz
systems furniture. Standard round metric panels are 600, 800, 1 000, 1 200, and 1600
mm. Both the metric and the English sizes are sold outside the United States and utilized
in metric construction. All Herman Miller production processes are in metric. Product
literature is available with metric dimensions (Mark DeSchon, 616-772-3300).
Steelcase, Grand Rapids, MI, currently exports its English-size products all over the world
for use in metric construction. Product literature is available with metric dimensions (Ken
Gilpin, 616-246-4990).
Lufkin Tools, NC, produces metric tape measures (919-362-7511).
Stanley Tools, New Britain, CT, manufactures metric and metric/English tape measures
(Carl Lickwar/Alan G. Martin, 203-225-5111).
Model 32-158, Metric/English, 5 m/16 feet. Model 32 156, Metric, 5 m.
Model 33-428, Metric/English, 7.5 m/25 feet. Model 33 443, Metric, 10 m.
These can be ordered directly from Stanley or through your local hardware store.
Commercial window systems are available in round metric sizes. They are typically made
specifically for a project in a wide range in small increments of size, so that they can be round
metric even if the manufacturer does not call them metric..
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