Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
credit requirements. A cost premium is defined for
these filter replacements.
For the purposes of the study, a premium is also
defined for the projects' general conditions costs.
In both the Courthouse and Office Building cases,
it is assumed that a small crew from the General
Contracting or Construction Management firm will
remain at the site during the two week flush-out
period, even though most of the construction team
has been demobilized.
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,330
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.04%
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,289
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%), Min. Facade.................... 0.06%
Cost Impact (%), Full Facade ..................... 0.06%
Additional Considerations
None identified.
Synergistic Credits
None identified (with construction cost impacts).