Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
scenarios, an additional labor cost is included to
End of construction filter replacements for the air
manage the Construction IAQ Plan.
handlers and fan-powered VAV boxes are also
assumed for the Office Building. As with the
It is further assumed that the air handling units
Courthouse, these filter replacements are
(AHUs) in the Courthouse will be operated during
considered standard GSA practice, and do not add
the construction process. Per the LEED credit
to project costs.
criteria, MERV 8 filters must therefore be used at
all return air grilles. Since the majority of the
Summary of First Cost Impacts
building is expected to use the ceiling plenum for
return air (as opposed to return air ducts), it is
assumed that openings are made in the mechanical
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
room walls above the ceiling height to allow return
air back to the air handlers1. These openings,
Low Cost
estimated to be approximately twenty square feet
per mechanical room, would typically be covered
Total Credit Cost.......................................... ,519
with blanket filters during the construction process.
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
The filters would typically be replaced weekly. To
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.01%
meet the LEED requirement, MERV 8 filters are
used instead of the blanket filters. Because of their
High Cost
greater effectiveness in trapping particulates, the
MERV 8 filters are changed every two weeks.
Total Credit Cost........................................ ,452
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
Since the air handlers are operated during
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.08%
construction, their filters must be replaced
immediately prior to occupancy. This is considered
standard practice on GSA projects, therefore no
cost premium is assumed. AHU filters with MERV
13 ratings or better are also considered standard
Total Credit Cost........................................ ,212
per GSA's P100, which requires 85 percent spot
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
efficiency removal and filtering down to 3.0
Cost Impact (%), Min. Facade .................... 0.04%
microns. Filter replacements are also assumed for
Cost Impact (%), Full Facade......................0.04%
all fan-powered VAV boxes prior to occupancy.
This is considered standard GSA practice, with no
Additional Considerations
cost premium.
In the Office Building model, no labor cost
None identified.
premiums are assumed to meet the SMACNA IAQ
requirements. GSA typically requires measures of
Synergistic Credits
this type for extensive building renovations that
involve complex phasing and occupied spaces.
None identified (with construction cost impacts).
As with the Courthouse, it is assumed that the air
handling units in the Office Building will be
operated during construction. MERV 8 filters are
installed at the mechanical rooms, based on the
same assumptions used for the Courthouse.
For spaces that have plenum returns, it is assumed that
acoustical ceiling panels and return air registers will not
be installed until after significant dust-producing
activities have been completed (e.g., drywall work).
Filters are therefore not an issue at the registers.