Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
associated with this prerequisite or for Credit EA-
3, Additional Commissioning.
The cost level associated with the Prerequisite
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
commissioning is estimated to be
.00/GSF for projects of the scale and complexity
No identified cost premiums.
of the Courthouse and Office building models. The
majority of these costs are soft cost fees for the
commissioning authority's work in the design and
construction phases of the project. Approximately
No identified cost premiums.
20 percent of the cost (
.20/GSF) is
attributed to additional fees from the mechanical
system subcontractors for executing the functional
Additional Considerations
performance tests. These subcontractor fees would
typically be considered part of the project's
None identified.
construction costs, as they would be included in
the contractor's bids based on the testing
Synergistic Credits
requirements included in the project specifications.
The tasks defined in Credit EA-3, Additional
assumed to be slightly higher than the
Commissioning, are also included in GSA's total
.00/GSF range, as GSA's commissioning scope
is more comprehensive than the LEED
of this study, however, no synergistic cost impacts
Additional commissioning cost information is
included under Credit EA-3, Additional
Commissioning, and in Section 4 of this report.