Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,467
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.11%
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,413
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%), Min. Facade.................... 0.14%
Cost Impact (%), Full Facade ..................... 0.14%
Additional Considerations
The ultra-low flow urinals (less than 1.0 gpf) are
currently offered by a limited number of
manufacturers in the United States.
Waterless urinals, which could also have been used
to achieve the credit, have the potential to save
significant amounts of water. The products are still
relatively new and are in the process of gaining
code acceptance nationwide. Waterless urinals
require different cleaning and maintenance
procedures than standard urinals.
Additional calculations have shown that, in some
cases, it is possible to reach the 30 percent
threshold in the Office Building by combining only
low-flow faucets, infrared sensor controls, and
ultra-low flow showerheads. This approach,
however, may result in inappropriate fixture use
(e.g., 0.5 gpm faucets in kitchens) or in poor
performing fixtures (e.g., ultra-low flow
showerheads that provide inadequate spray).
Fixtures should be carefully selected to match their
intended use.
Synergistic Credits
None identified (with construction cost impacts).
Supporting Calculations
Tables WE3.2-1 and WE3.2-2 demonstrate the 30
percent water reduction approach used in the cost
estimates (Office Building model only).