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This is a request for qualifications (RFQ) of A/E firms/lead designers interested in
contracting for this work. The A/E firm as used in this RFQ means an individual, firm,
partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity permitted by law to practice
the profession of architecture or engineering that will have contractual responsibility
for the project design. The lead designer is the individual or the team of designers
who will have primary responsibility to develop the concept and the project design.
INSERT IF RELEVANT: The lead designer will also be involved in the Art in
Architecture program for this project, which will include STATE IF COMMISSIONING
A/E firms are advised that at least 35% of the level of contract effort must be performed
in the INSERT CITY, STATE, OR RADIUS in which the project is located. The A/E
firm will address the contractual relationship with the lead designer and project team in
Stage II. INSERT IF NEEDED: At that time, the following specialty consultants will be
The A/E selection will be completed in two stages as follows: In Stage I, interested
lead designers and associated A/E firms will submit portfolios of accomplishment that
establish the design capabilities of the lead designer and design firm. In Stage II,
shortlisted lead designer-A/E teams will be interviewed INSERT IF NEEDED: and
asked to participate in a design charrette.
Stage I
All documentation will be in an 8 1/2" x 11" format. The assembled content for the
Stage I portfolio should be no more than 1/4 inch thick. Submissions may be double-
sided where feasible. The portfolio should include the following: a cover letter referencing
the FedBizOpps announcement and briefly describing the firm and its location,
organizational makeup, and noteworthy accomplishments; Standard Form 330 Architect
Engineer Qualifications Part II; credentials of historic preservation specialist; and
responses to the submission requirements and evaluation criteria listed below. An A/E
Evaluation Board consisting of a private sector peer and representatives of the client
and GSA will evaluate the submissions. The board will establish a shortlist of three
to six firms.
Identification of team members, other than the lead designer(s), is not required at this
stage. Consultant and "production firm" (if different from the design firm) information
should not be included in the Stage I portfolio.
Submission Requirements And Evaluation Criteria:
PAST PERFORMANCE ON DESIGN (35%): The A/E firm(s) will submit a
portfolio of not more than five renovation projects completed in the last ten years
(maximum of five pages per project). At least two projects should include
restoration/conservation work and represent a history of commendable design
work in the restoration/conservation specialty. The narrative shall address the
chapter 5 resources