Defining and Announcing Design Excellence Opportunities
page 3
The A/E selection will be completed in two stages as follows: In Stage I, interested
designers and associated A/E firms will submit portfolios of accomplishment that
establish the design capabilities of the lead designer and design firm. In Stage II,
shortlisted lead designer-A/E teams will be interviewed INSERT IF NEEDED: and
asked to participate in a design charrette.
Stage I
All documentation will be in an 8 1/2" x 11" format. The assembled Stage I portfolio
should be no more than 1/4 inch thick. Submissions may be double-sided where
feasible. The portfolio should include the following: a cover letter referencing the
FedBizOpps announcement and briefly describing the firm and its location, organizational
makeup, and noteworthy accomplishments; Standard Form 330 Architect Engineer
Qualifications Part II; and responses to the submission requirements and evaluation
criteria listed below. An A/E Evaluation Board consisting of a private sector peer and
representatives of the client and GSA will evaluate the submissions. The board will
establish a shortlist of three to six firms.
Identification of team members, other than the lead designer(s), is not required at this
stage. Consultant and "production firm" (if different from the design firm) information
should not be included in the Stage I portfolio.
Submission Requirements And Evaluation Criteria:
PAST PERFORMANCE ON DESIGN (35%): The A/E firm(s) will submit a
portfolio of not more than five projects completed in the last ten years (maximum
of five pages per project). The narrative shall address the design approach with
salient features for each project and discuss how the client's program, function,
image, mission, economic, schedule, and operational objectives were satisfied
by the overall design/planning solution. It should comment on the relevance of
submitted projects to the GSA project, including INSERT ANY SPECIAL
ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED--EXAMPLE: sustainability, the urban design
strategy, and workplace design. This section of the submission should include
tangible evidence such as certificates, awards, peer recognition, etc. demonstrating
design excellence, and provide a client reference contact for each project,
including name, title, address, email, phone, and fax numbers. A representative
floor plan, a site plan, a building section, or other appropriate drawing, and a
minimum of two photographs must be included for each project.
PHILOSOPHY AND DESIGN INTENT (25%): In the lead designer's words
(maximum of two pages), as related to this project, state: the parameters of an
overall design philosophy; his/her approach to the challenge of public architecture
and related issues; parameters that may apply in creating INSERT DESCRIPTION
OF PROJECT TYPE OR ISSUES--EXAMPLE: a courthouse OR a federal
office building OR an attractive and productive workplace; and commitment to
integrated and sustainable design.
LEAD DESIGNER PROFILE (15%): Submit a biographical sketch (maximum
of three pages) including education, professional experience, recognition for
design efforts inclusive of the portfolio examples. Identify and describe areas of
responsibility and commitment to each project.
chapter 5 resources