Defining and Announcing Design Excellence Opportunities
5 . 7 Office of the Chief Architect Customer Meeting
The project manager must contact the Office of the Chief Architect to arrange for an
OCA representative to meet with the customer as soon as the project is announced.
This meeting is an opportunity to provide an ove rview of the Design Excellence Program,
share the FedBizOpps announcement, and explain how the Design Excellence process
responds to customer needs. Such a conversation can be supported with publications on
Design Excellence projects and a copy of Design Excellence: Policies and Procedures.
The goal is to increase customer understanding of Design Excellence and develop an
effective working relationship. The PBS Office of Customer Service should be notified of
the time and place once this meeting is scheduled.
5 . 8 The Peer Connection
At least 30 days before the Stage I portfolio review is to take place, the project manager
must contact the Office of the Chief Architect Center for Design Excellence and the Arts
to arrange for national peer participation. In addition, to make sure the most qualified
peer is selected as a member of the A/E Selection Board, a project profile is required.
This should include the project budget and size, type of project (new construction, border
station, modernization, preservation, limited scope) an expanded project description,
and an ove rview of the project's urban context.
sections 5.75.8